
One Year in Ajou

Its been a year now in Ajou, a right time to introspect and evaluate. This is just to record things of past year, people, food, language weather that became part of day to day life.

I remember the first day I arrived here, especially because of strange characters in the billboards and signboards which didn't made any sense to me. Land was strange for me where all peoples looked alike, spoke strange language and ate strange thing with awful smell. In a very short time, I got used to as expected. Since I live in my own separate land of thoughts and dreams, I barely noticed this sudden change in environment. New friends are now old and comfy as any old boots, new seat is same as the one of KU where I sat for 3-4 years, amazing dell machine is alike old pampared pentium-I and internet downloads as if I've been doing it for years.

Research and Study
Thinking about research, everyday I feel like I am starting something new, means I am still nowhere and fresh. Somehow 2 papers accepted, 2 awaiting response, 1 writing and 2 under preliminary state. Out of 7, 3 of them is my effort, 2 with zeeshan and Guenhee and 2 co-authoring with Chang Su. 6 courses passed with decent figures, still helping me to go on with my so-called research on wireless computing. Partial knowledge of simulators and general idea on how to make papers for journals and conferences are something I learnt this year. Creative thinking and critical thinking both are almost same as it used to be before. Reading habit not yet substantial as I thought it would be. No doubt I have wasted a hell lot of time browsing internet, looking for papers I never read, software I never used, mailing list I never responded to and etc etc.
Friends and Society
Guys offered dinner first night I was here and they still do at times. First met Suraj and then whole lot slowly. Significant amount collectively spent on 2030, This, This plus, few other international brands, draft beer and Soju kept us inact and intact.
Suraj still a sort of general manager/accountant/advisor..done lot of roles left some remarkable incidents. A black out night and lost in bus-terminal can be two separate stories :-). Transcended from MBA to Industrial engineering, he will probably figure out intelligent artifacts for human kind.
Always 'Yes' to drink.. Sangram worked out his fate and luck to be his way. This purely nocturnal creature had been the one to create definte impression upon all by upfront actions in first few days. Since then he turtled himself towards the end of of this year with representative tag, guitar flicks and unexposed self-composure.
Another part of this coin...Chiran successfully demonstrated his cooking skills (well cooked, 10% finished, hot tarkarizz), interfering skills (this is just based on the complaints that people have made ..not my own observation). Pushing his studies quite well, a regular bass guitarist and friend to all ..still rolling.
Outspoken, straigth from the heart, hard working in almost all aspects, Samundra..about this guy anyone will be impressed by his natural behavior and kindness. Irish probably will be in his thoughts.. I don't know..but may be I can explain :-)
Devinder..a big brother for all..an exemplary transfer from MBA to PhD, Challenge being a Motivation and Never to Give Up a theme and lot more in his account.
Khagendra ji ..a remarkable social worker, a good friend and paving his path to US..we hope to hear his accomplishments in future.
Korea and Koreans
...And this is the place I came, finally, I loved it the way it is. There are few grieviences, language is still tough and (korean) people are one hell of a kind. They are nice, lovely, kind and helpful. However, self-composed within themselves, voracious soju drukards, comic and cartoon lovers, cartriders spacecrafts maniacs. Made a really good friends like Chang suh, Sung hee, Song woo, Young mi, Kook kee, Bo Sung. All other labmates are great too. The major impact person for me, my Professor, who had a very different way of enlightening students. I believed in my luck when I found out that my Professor was a famous person in the area. And then I was surprised to know how lucky I am when I understood that my professor is really amazing. I am glad I am working under him.
Something I missed during this year
Most importantly, the birth of my child... Still haven't seen her and that is the deepest sadness rooted inside me. Haven't been able to be with Namu, when she needed me the most.

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