
Tactical Network Research Issues

1. Interoperability in heterogeneous wireless network.

To support interoperability, we first need to have gateways that can translate protocols and enforce inter-domain policies of each domain. Since the network is dynamic and the topology changes constantly, the existing approach of deploying pre-assigned gateways may not achieve the best possible connectivity. Recent advances in communication technologies, such as software defined radio, makes it possible for any node to act as a gateway, although not all of them can become gateways at the same time to reduce resource consumption and wireless interference. In such a scenario, we need to study a systematic mechanism to elect gateways dynamically and in a distributed manner to optimize certain goals or satisfy global properties. In addition, we can leverage the availability of UAVs, UGVs, and other landroids to improve the connectivity of multiple coalition networks by deploying them in strategic locations. [Copied from http://www.usukita.org/?q=project2]

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