[Referred from Nabble Mailing List]
In ns2.26 and ns2.27, you can change (basicRate_ and dataRate_ ):
Mac/802_11 set basicRate_ 1Mb
Mac/802_11 set dataRate_ 11Mb
in your tcl script.
FHSS (IEEE802.11a)
Mac/802_11 set SlotTime_ 0.000050 ;# 50us
Mac/802_11 set SIFS_ 0.000028 ;# 28us
Mac/802_11 set PreambleLength_ 0 ;# no preamble
Mac/802_11 set PLCPHeaderLength_ 128 ;# 128 bits
Mac/802_11 set PLCPDataRate_ 1.0e6 ;# 1Mbps
Mac/802_11 set dataRate_ 1.0e6 ;# 11Mbps
Mac/802_11 set basicRate_ 1.0e6 ;# 1Mbps
DSSS (IEEE802.11b)
Mac/802_11 set SlotTime_ 0.000020 ;# 20us
Mac/802_11 set SIFS_ 0.000010 ;# 10us
Mac/802_11 set PreambleLength_ 144 ;# 144 bit
Mac/802_11 set PLCPHeaderLength_ 48 ;# 48 bits
Mac/802_11 set PLCPDataRate_ 1.0e6 ;# 1Mbps
Mac/802_11 set dataRate_ 11.0e6 ;# 11Mbps
Mac/802_11 set basicRate_ 1.0e6 ;# 1Mbps
-if using the short preamble option: you can change the line as:
Mac/802_11 set PreambleLength_ 72
- # frequency is 2.4 GHz
Phy/WirelessPhy set freq_ 2.4e+9
# transmit power
Phy/WirelessPhy set Pt_ 3.3962527e-2
# Receive sensitivity.
Phy/WirelessPhy set RXThresh_ 6.309573e-12
Phy/WirelessPhy set CSThresh_ 6.309573e-12
Note that the radio range that results from this configuration may or may
not coincide with open field tests. If you want setup a specific range,
use the program ~/indep-utils/propagation/threshold.cc to obtain the
desired RXThresh_ (rx sensitivity) based on the above frequency, transmit
power and your desired range.
#define DSSS_CWMin 15
#define DSSS_CWMax 1023
#define DSSS_SlotTime 0.000009
#define DSSS_CCATime 0.000003
#define DSSS_RxTxTurnaroundTime 0.000002
#define DSSS_SIFSTime 0.000016
#define DSSS_PreambleLength 96
#define DSSS_PLCPHeaderLength 40
#define DSSS_PLCPDataRate 6.0e6 // 6Mbps
#define DSSS_MaxPropagationDelay 0.0000005 // 0.5us
Note: bandwidth is different with achievable throughput.
- In NS ACK are always sent at 1Mbps
- NS use always the long PLCP preamble format sent at 1Mbps
- by default NS uses RTS/CTS handshake
- Packet's size has also an impact in the % of overhead.
In ns2.26 and ns2.27, you can change (basicRate_ and dataRate_ ):
Mac/802_11 set basicRate_ 1Mb
Mac/802_11 set dataRate_ 11Mb
in your tcl script.
FHSS (IEEE802.11a)
Mac/802_11 set SlotTime_ 0.000050 ;# 50us
Mac/802_11 set SIFS_ 0.000028 ;# 28us
Mac/802_11 set PreambleLength_ 0 ;# no preamble
Mac/802_11 set PLCPHeaderLength_ 128 ;# 128 bits
Mac/802_11 set PLCPDataRate_ 1.0e6 ;# 1Mbps
Mac/802_11 set dataRate_ 1.0e6 ;# 11Mbps
Mac/802_11 set basicRate_ 1.0e6 ;# 1Mbps
DSSS (IEEE802.11b)
Mac/802_11 set SlotTime_ 0.000020 ;# 20us
Mac/802_11 set SIFS_ 0.000010 ;# 10us
Mac/802_11 set PreambleLength_ 144 ;# 144 bit
Mac/802_11 set PLCPHeaderLength_ 48 ;# 48 bits
Mac/802_11 set PLCPDataRate_ 1.0e6 ;# 1Mbps
Mac/802_11 set dataRate_ 11.0e6 ;# 11Mbps
Mac/802_11 set basicRate_ 1.0e6 ;# 1Mbps
-if using the short preamble option: you can change the line as:
Mac/802_11 set PreambleLength_ 72
- # frequency is 2.4 GHz
Phy/WirelessPhy set freq_ 2.4e+9
# transmit power
Phy/WirelessPhy set Pt_ 3.3962527e-2
# Receive sensitivity.
Phy/WirelessPhy set RXThresh_ 6.309573e-12
Phy/WirelessPhy set CSThresh_ 6.309573e-12
Note that the radio range that results from this configuration may or may
not coincide with open field tests. If you want setup a specific range,
use the program ~/indep-utils/propagation/threshold.cc to obtain the
desired RXThresh_ (rx sensitivity) based on the above frequency, transmit
power and your desired range.
#define DSSS_CWMin 15
#define DSSS_CWMax 1023
#define DSSS_SlotTime 0.000009
#define DSSS_CCATime 0.000003
#define DSSS_RxTxTurnaroundTime 0.000002
#define DSSS_SIFSTime 0.000016
#define DSSS_PreambleLength 96
#define DSSS_PLCPHeaderLength 40
#define DSSS_PLCPDataRate 6.0e6 // 6Mbps
#define DSSS_MaxPropagationDelay 0.0000005 // 0.5us
Note: bandwidth is different with achievable throughput.
- In NS ACK are always sent at 1Mbps
- NS use always the long PLCP preamble format sent at 1Mbps
- by default NS uses RTS/CTS handshake
- Packet's size has also an impact in the % of overhead.
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